I wouldn't order it in a biker bar, but I'll go for one pretty much anywhere else. If you're having it with Malibu or the bar uses that awful stuff that passes for cranberry juice from the soda gun, get an extra wedge so it doesn't come out candy sweet. With Malibu coconut rum, it's better still. Bartenders who are familiar with the Bay Breeze will usually reach for vodka when they make one, but it's much better when made with rum. It's a shame more bartenders aren't familiar with the Bay Breeze, a highball made with cranberry and pineapple juice. The two pair quite nicely, with the tequila's herbal, grassy notes giving a bit of brightness to the sweet depth of Kahlúa. The easy way to order a Brave Bull is to ask for a Black Russian made with tequila instead of vodka. So, what can I order that any bartender can make well, and still keeps my interest? I found five that I know I'll enjoy, no matter whether I order them in a swank lounge or the sleaziest of dives:

I'll take the badly made Manhattan over one any day. I could do what everyone else does and just order vodka and soda, but I'll be damned if that isn't the most boring drink order on the planet. I've given up on finding that particular holy grail. I could take my chances on a Manhattan, but odds are good that I'm going to get a slap-dash glass of warm booze with the barest hint of vermouth and no bitters at all. And, I've come to find that I enjoy a nice low- (or no-) class dive when I go out drinking. I'm also more than a bit of a stickler when it comes to classics being done right (but that's another column).